Saturday 15 December 2012

Quick And Easy Relief Thanks To Trigeminal Neuralgia Natural Treatment

You can find out about various options on treatment of trigeminal neuralgia by reading this article. The cause of trigeminal neuralgia can be attributed to the blood vessels pressing down on the trigeminal nerve. People suffering from trigeminal neuralgia may suffer extreme pain due to trigeminal for days or months during activity that involves the cheeks directly such as talking, eating and chewing food, brushing and applying makeup among other things. At first, the episodes of pain are also balanced by plenty of periods without any pain but as time passes you will see that there are lesser periods of relief as compared to periods of pain.

Commonly used treatment methods for Trigeminal Neuralgia

The pharmaceutical drugs are normally given first preference ahead of surgical treatment although both these method are used traditionally. These are usually also medications prescribed for control of epilepsy. Usually, the cause of trigeminal neuralgia can be traced to a cranial (brain) blood vessel that is pressing against CN5. Surgical option is used for moving the blood vessel so that the nerve can be deadened or cushioning it well.

Some of the most common treatments have been put together by various medical professionals that are in order to help you get rid of symptoms of  Trigeminal Neuralgia  naturally. It is best to avoid pain that is triggered by various harmful factors such as wind (which may easily irritate the facial nerves), mental and physical stress (it is a major worry for patients) and nicotine (this directly puts strain on the blood vessels). A combination of high doses of vitamin B12 and omega 3 fatty acids and exercises to strengthen the facial and neck tissues greatly help to reduce the pain. One more thing to try out is to wet a towel in a solution of hot water and Epsom salts. The towel should be compressed to remove all the extra water and then applied to the base of the neck at the point of origination of the trigeminal nerve.

A package of herbs that are called "nervines" are known to highly advantageous for maintaining the healthy working of the peripheral nervous system and helping to get rid of the pain. Some of these include Rosemary, Kava kava, Valerian, Motherwort and Jamaican dogwood.These work as a homeopathic treatment to get treatment from trigeminal neuralgia. The remedy relieves pain in the cheeks, upper gums, chin, nose and eyes. It is helpful for pain on either side of the face but is particularly suited to pains on the left side.

A lot of research has been made on the usage of turmeric and cayenne pepper in order to receive relief from the pain caused by trigeminal neuralgia. A pinch of cayenne pepper can be mixed with olive oil or other unscented facial cream and applied to the painful area. Cayenne pepper may produce hypersensitivity of the skin and the affected nerve so you may want to discontinue use if this occurs. Cayenne pepper should be avoided by people who are known to bleed quickly.

Trigeminal neuralgia is a serious condition and on occasion may have a serious cause, such as a tumor, that will require treatment. Always seek professional medical advice & diagnosis before utilizing any of the Trigeminal Neuralgia Natural Treatment.

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