Monday 28 February 2011

Conventional Versus Homeopathic Asthma Treatment

When it comes to alternative asthma treatments, there are many options available. Which one is right in your case depends largely on the severity and type of asthma that you suffer from. It also depends upon what kind of relief you're looking for. Conventional treatments generally only focus on prevention and control of symptoms, whereas some homeopathic treatments attempt to actually cure the disease.

Conventional medicine usually seeks to provide long-term control of symptoms whenever possible. This is not a cure, but a long-standing treatment. It usually involves taking medication daily, generally in pill form or by an inhaler. To stop taking the medication would mean ending the preventative effects. Symptoms would quickly return.

Sometimes asthma is caused by allergic reaction to a particular allergen. In cases like this, the conventional approach is usually to treat the allergy with something like shots, pills, or nasal sprays. If attacks only occur in response to an allergen, then controlling the allergy will end the attacks. But again, we are not talking about a cure, just a way of preventing attacks. Stop treating the allergy, and the attacks will return.

The other main option offered by conventional medicine is quick-relief medication. Usually in the form of an inhaler, but also sometimes taken orally, this is used only to alleviate symptoms in the short-term. It is often used only during an attack. Clearly, this is not meant to be a cure.

Homeopathic medicine, on the other hand, offers a bit more hope. The practice of homeopathy encompasses a variety of treatments from independent sources. Many of these types of treatments have not been evaluated by the FDA, though this does not necessarily mean that they won't be effective.

Similar to conventional answers, some homeopathic options for asthma are only meant to control or prevent symptoms. More often, however, the homeopathic approach is to treat the underlying cause. The idea is that by correcting the cause of the problem, the problem itself will go away for good. In essence, this would be a cure.

The use of homeopathic remedies comes with both benefits and risks. Most homeopathic remedies are considered quite safe to use. Another benefit is that they tend to be all-natural. The chance for an actual cure, as opposed to prevention-only, is quite an obvious benefit. The main risk involved centers around the lack of evidential support from scientific and clinical studies as to the effectiveness of homeopathic medicine. This absolutely does not mean that it doesn't work. It just means that caution should be used, particularly if you intend to stop using conventional asthma treatments altogether while trying a homeopathic method. It is very important that your homeopathic treatment come from a legitimate and reputable source. Also, you may want to at least involve your conventional doctor, especially if your case is severe.

The best and only current hope of a cure for asthmatics probably comes from homeopathy. Conventional asthma treatment only aims to prevent or offer relief of symptoms. Choosing to go only with conventional options means giving up on the idea of ever being cured.

Get Dysmenorrhea Treatment To Relieve This Painful Problem

Dysmenorrhea is a feeling of pain or discomfort that occurs just before a menstrual period. There are two kinds which are primary and secondary. It can be a very unpleasant condition which disrupts a woman's schedule every month. However it is possible to get treatment for dysmenorrhea which is quite effective.

If you suffer from the primary kind then you may well have severe cramps, nausea and possibly backache. Additional symptoms may include diarrhoea and headaches. This kind is common in younger women and can begin a couple of years after the periods start. The symptoms will generally last two or more days each month.

The other type is the secondary type and this can be a symptom of other medical problems. It can be a symptom of pelvic inflammatory disease or of endometriosis. There is a chance it may also because by pelvic tumours or uterine fibroids. This is a condition that is generally found in older women.

It is quite possible for the cramps experienced during a period to feel quite strong which makes them pretty painful. These strong cramps are caused by the muscles of the uterus contracting. If the contractions are especially strong then they can temporarily cut off the blood flow to the muscles which deprives them of oxygen which then causes the pain. There is a purpose to menstrual cramps which is to eliminate the discharge.

Some women may find taking natural medicine an extremely effective way of dealing with this problem as it can help relieve the pain from strong cramps. These natural medicines can be much better than over-the-counter painkillers as they help to deal with the actual cause and do not just mask the symptoms. They may also contain additional ingredients which are anti-inflammatory and also relieve the pain.

They work by helping to improve the muscle tone of the uterus which should prevent the cramps for being so severe. They can also help balance reproductive hormones which produce the severe contractions of the uterus. In addition they will also address other symptoms such as backache and nausea.

It is far better to use a herbal product that contains natural ingredients rather than continually relying on drugs. A good product will use a combination of homoeopathic and herbal Ayurvedic ingredients. This condition can affect up to 75% of women at some stage in their lives. Although it will ease as they age about 5% will suffer incapacitating pain.

This condition may be quite tricky to diagnose. It can be partially diagnosed through a pelvic examination and taking down medical history. However it may be necessary to use other techniques such as laparoscopy and ultrasound. If the patient is discovered to be suffering from endometriosis then it may be necessary for them to receive other treatment.

The treatment will depend on the woman's age and whether or not she has children. In some cases a hysterectomy may be the best course of action. In other cases natural remedies combined with conservative treatment may work. Another alternative is to try a psychoacoustic technology which works on the subconscious mind. It works by sending subliminal messages which influence your brain to release natural painkillers. It does this by employing two different kinds of techniques through the use of sound waves and also ultrasonic. It is a very holistic way of treating the problem and is very non-invasive. It helps by working on your subconscious mind in a natural and gentle manner. Dysmenorrhea treatment need not consist of just drugs.